# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Starfire's NPC Additions v1.11 NPCs MMH 2009-08-12 Starfire This mod aims to add npcs to various settlements and parts of the wilderness. It has the aim of adding NPC'S that blend in and maintain the feel of vanilla morrowind and its expansions. This mod was designed as a standalone NPC adder but is completely compatable with MCA. I highly recommend runni...
Starfire's NPC Additions Redesigned Vivec Compatibility Patch v1.11 NPCs MMH 2011-03-24 Original mod Starfire; patched Adul This is a compatibility patch for Starfire's NPC Additions v1.11 and Piratelord's Redesigned Vivec.

All I did was re-position NPC spawn points to match the new city layout of Redesigned Vivec.

This should be compatible with Jac's Redesigned Vivec patches, the Hold It! co...